The creative activity of the founder, Friedensreich HUNDERTWASSER, which has been manifested in many different ways and spheres, but in particular in the areas of painting, ecology and architecture, has been dedicated throughout his life to an art which elevates man, which gives him something to hold on to, an open window to a beautiful and better world, for a more human architecture in harmony with nature and man as well asĀ for a life in harmony with the individual creation.
It is the aim and duty of The Hundertwasser Non-Profit Foundation to communicate the concerns of the founder, his art and his activities by means of exhibitions, publications, lectures, seminars, initiatives, and other events and activities promoting a more humane world in harmony with nature in accordance with the inner aspirations and desires of man.
The purpose of The Hundertwasser Non-Profit Foundation is based on the thinking and by laws as formulated by the founder, Friedensreich HUNDERTWASSER.